bulles d'air - April 2011

Friday, September 24, 2010

A New Season and New Beginnings

Autumn...my favorite season. It's not just the change in weather (not a fan of high temperatures) or the impending holidays (Thanksgiving being my most favorite), but the earth seems to swirl underneath. Leaves, so vibrantly green and in full bloom, start to transition in color to blazen shades of orange and yellow and then drop off the trees to blanket the earth below them covering the ground like a warm winter blanket. The air takes on a different scent, the smell of leaves burning in backyard piles and the cool crispness of the air sends a slight shiver down my body. Autumn, to me, is also a time of transition; even more so than summer, spring or winter. I always equate the autumn season with the start of school and the laziness of summer seems to turn overnight to the busyness of school activities, fall sports, craft sales, holiday shopping and preparation for the upcoming holidays.

No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one Autumnal face.
- John Donne

Personally, I seem more energetic in the fall. When nature is winding down and preparing for the dormancy of winter, I gain more energy and become more engaged in activities. Painting class began last week and I was giddy like a kid on the first day of kindergarten - the first brushstroke of paint on canvas felt enlivening. I'm also back at school and am with a great group of students who I already consider new friends. My school comrades are an eclectic and diverse group coming from different educational and career backgrounds...teachers, law enforcement, social services, academia...I feel recharged after each class from the intellectual and innovative discussions. I've also had the the immense pleasure of meeting new people recently who are fascinating to talk with, listen to and learn from. 

I think I'm going to go pick up some fallen leaves and place them under a piece of paper and color over them...like I did as a child. Remember? My own autumn collage. My ode to a new season; my favorite season.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Circle of Friends and Family

It's been a few months since I've updated my blog. Basically, I took the summer off from writing. Now it is Labor Day weekend and autumn seems just around the corner, especially as I sit near my patio door, half open, with a cool breeze coming through the livingroom. The last few months and this summer have seemed surreal.  If you are one of my close friends (this includes family), you know what has happened in my personal life and I have decided to not go into specifics in this blog - it is not the platform nor the appropriate place to write and publish all that has happened to me personally.

I did not attend any art fairs, carnivals, summer events or concerts this year, though my life has seemed like a roller coaster at an amusement park - up and down, fast curves, shrills, thrills and screams. I have cried more this year than I have in my entire life and felt a range of emotions that I didn't know existed within my being. The emotions and related anxiety and stress took a toll on my physical self of which I am recovering. I am also recovering emotionally and thank a supportive, wonderful, loving, protective group of friends and family that encircle me like a warm blanket. 

I am so very thankful and fortunate to have in my life people who have shown tremendous support, great help (I moved), gave hugs, kisses, time and most importantly, their friendship. To my friends and family who have shown tremendous support these past few months, words are not enough to express the gratitude, appreciation and love I have for each and every one of you. You have shown me what true and honest friendship is and I hope that I am the friend to you that you are to me.

Many of my friends are going through their own personal 'crises' right now - some are unemployed or losing their jobs, some have ill relatives, some are having relationship problems. Know that I am here for you as you are for me. Together, friends form bonds that help each other get through the trials and tribulations that occur in our lives.

Though this summer was full of much transition for me, I am looking forward to autumn, my favorite season of the year. I'm grateful for a terrific son who is in his 3rd year of college and doing great; I'm excited to start painting again in a couple of weeks; and I'm elated to begin an EdD program at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota. I'm happy for my best girlfriend who got married to a wonderful man in May; I love the 'girl time' I spent with my 4-year old niece this summer (miss you Maggie!); I'm thankful for a sister who calls often to see how I'm doing; I'm proud of my 4 cousins who got married this summer and another one who is engaged (3 out of the 4 are brothers!); but mostly, I'm thankful. It is true that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...and some of the decisions I made this past summer - be them forced or not - I realize are for the best.

Sending my love and gratitude to my family and friends....always, Renee.