bulles d'air - April 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Change - a Constant

Yes, it's been awhile since I've written. Many reasons - nothing specific, just "normal" life. But is there such a thing as a "normal" life? I'm busy...work, school, painting, family, friends. Some of my friends and family think I'm "too busy". I suppose one can be too busy but I would not classify my life as hectic or out of control. I have good time management, am organized, don't miss appointments (though I have declined on social events due to the enormity of homework I sometimes have...those darn papers!), and find time for myself to paint, watch television and movies, read and even take a nap (love Saturdays!). 

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. ~ Dean Acheson

Change - to alter, modify, redo, rework, revise, revamp - happens everyday. Our bodies change. Our relationships change. Our moods change. Our dreams change. Change is everywhere and in everything. It surrounds us and is constant. Sometimes we don't acknowledge change because with change can come fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. 

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. ~ Mark Twain
The times they are a changin' - and changing fast. Jobs some people have today were never conceived of a few years ago. Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives - cell phones can do almost  everything from take photos and videos, update the weather, provide driving directions, send and receive email, update our Facebook and Twitter accounts and deposit money into our bank account. We can record our favorite television shows and watch when we want and skip all the commercials. We don't need to mail birthday cards or party invitations, we simply email. The only items I receive in the mail are catalogs and bills. My heart skips a beat if I receive a personal piece of mail, like a birthday or holiday card.

Future shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time. ~ Alvin Tofler
These things I know:
  • Change is constant
  • One needs courage to embrace change
  • Technology is a part of the change we are all experiencing
  • Stress can be caused by too much change
Proposed Solution:
  • Take a deep breath
  • Take another deep breath
  • Relax your body
  • Live ONE DAY AT A TIME; or, one MOMENT at a time
  • Acknowledge and accept change
  • Everything will work out as it should - it always does

1 comment:

  1. "When we share our joys in life they are multiplied. And when we share the sorrows they are divided."
